Christmas Baking

I believe Christmas Season is my favourite time of year. Even though I was brought up Catholic within our Italian heritage, I’m far from being religious. Christmas has a different meaning to me, where it’s the fun holiday festival throughout December, just like the Roman Caesars celebrations. As a Chef, it also means this time…

Roman Heritage

If you could meet a historical figure, who would it be and why? Historical figure or figures I would like to meet is Cleopatra and Marcus Antonius ( Mark Antony). Both are indeed interesting; maybe I can warn them and possibly change history. Both ancestors would have a different outcome while I would get the…

Fresh Baked Bread

Who doesn’t love homemade fresh baked bread lathered with butter that melts in your mouth. My recipe is so damn easy and versatile, you can make it everyday if you wanted to, baking off two bread loafs per recipe. If you been following me here or on YouTube you’ll know this same recipe can make…