Family is the Cornerstone of the Italian Culture

This past weekend has a significant defining moment on me , as we pay our respects to the passing of a generous kind man, Salvatore Pullano within the Italian community. Salvatore ( known to his coworker friends as Sami) was born in Travena ,Catanzaro on December 7 1946 ; Taverna is a comune and town…


If you won two free plane tickets, where would you go? Why Italy of course 🤩 My Mom born in the Abruzzo Region of Southern Italy, it’s only fitting I visited her homeland. I remember her saying,” Once you’re older we will take a trip back home and I can really show you different types…

Authentic Fettuccine RagĂą Bolognese

Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood? This is an easy one ! Every Saturday my grandfather , Tony Varze and I would make Fettuccine RagĂą Bolognese. He would be up way before me, preparing the RagĂą Bolganaise sauce. It was our little tradition, where I would wake up, already smelling…

Marcus Anthony

What is your middle name? Does it carry any special meaning/significance? My middle names are related to my ancestor bloodline of Marcus Antonius. We all know the tragic ending with Antony and Cleopatra ; however , what you most probably didn’t realize, my family’s bloodline is related to the great Roman General, who was also…

Biography of Chef Bari

If there was a biography about you, what would the title be? Chef Bari came from humble beginnings. Being raised by his mom, he spent most of his time in his grandfather’s kitchen, cooking up authentic Italian dishes from his grandfather’s homeland, Corropoli, within the Abruzzo Region of Italy. Grandpa Tony Varze taught his grandson…

Traditional Italian Meatballs

In Italy, if you ask for Spaghetti and meatballs, you’ll get a puzzled look. However, if you’re in the Abruzzo Region of Italy 🇮🇹, you’ll be pleased you can order “ Chitarrine alla Teramana”. This is the closest you’ll find to Spaghetti and Meatballs. Grandpa Tony was from Abruzzo Region, therefore, “Chitarrine alla Teramana “…

Traditional Pizza and Pasta Types

Ever since I can remember, my Grandpa Tony Varze (born in the Abruzzo Region of Southern Italy) taught me the traditional Italian cuisine. Pizza wasn’t any different. Most specifically how Pizza toppings are so different then North American Pizza. Authentic Pizza Dough Recipe— Click Here Grandpa Tony taught me these classics : 1. Margherita Pizza…

Pasta cremosa di Pollo con Parmigiano Reggiano

This evening I made my grandfather’s Italian dish : “ Pasta cremosa di Pollo con Parmigiano Reggiano” my grandfather introduced to me when I was a young boy. Nonno ( Grandpa) was born in Corropoli, Italy. In English terms, Grandpa Tony signature dish is : Creamy Chicken Pasta with Parmigiana Reggiano . It’s closely related…

Bolognese Ragu Sauce

As said in a previous post, my Grandfather was born in the Abruzzo Region of Southern Italy. When he came to Canada, he brought his Italian cuisine with him.  The dish I’m introducing today is a fusion of my Grandfather’s Neapolitan ragĂą , which most Italians refer to as “RagĂą Napoletano “ a traditional Italian meat…

My Italian heritage and Abruzzo Region of Southern Italy

Even though I was born in Canada, my Mom and Grandfather were born in the Abruzzo Region of Southern Italy.  My grandfather, Tony Varze decided to move to Canada to start his own Olive Oil business (imported from Abruzzo Region).  My great grandmother taught her son, Tony Varze the family secret tomato gravy recipe (aka…