What’s in a Name

Where did your name come from?


Bari Marcus Anthony is my name. My name comes from our Italian heritage. Mom told me we are related to Marcus Antonius ; you know as Mark Antony. Of course, most of Marcus Antonius offspring died at the hands of Octavian, who changed his name to Caesar Augustus. However, Marcus Antonius second wife had children who lived out their lives. To make it short, my mom traced our family line back to Queen Antonia. Therefore it was fitting she name me Bari Marcus Anthony, on the belief I’m related to Marcus Antonius.

Unfortunately my mom died in her thirties, so I never had the opportunity to look into it further, due to the fact I have lost all contact with my Italian relatives in Italy. In the Italian culture they want to trace you back to both parents born Italian. As it is, my mom married a Frenchman, so now I’m not considered hundred percent Italian. 50/50 means I’ll never be part of the French or Italian people. My mom’s dad , Grandpa Tony always treated me as a full Italian, and to this day I have love and admiration towards my grandfather. You see, I was the first grandson. To the Italian culture that means a lot. Nevertheless, after he died I pretty much lost contact with the Italian side of my family. Maybe one day an Italian relative will reach out and invite me back to Italy. Or maybe I’ll remain an outcast, like my relative Marcus Antonius.

Cheers !

Chef Bari

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